Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Can a mother forget her nursing child,
be without tenderness for the child in her womb?
Even she may forget, but I will never forget you. 
Behold, I have engraved you on the palm of my hand.
Isaiah 49:15-16

     We've all heard tales of the unfortunate tattoo.  The tattoo that comes from the desire to make a statement about our unending love for another.  The one where someone actually has their Love's name tattooed on their body - often in a predominant place - only to have the relationship end.  What then does one do with that tattoo? 

     Human relationships are not perfect.  Even the ones we think should be unbreakable and completely safe, like a mother with her child, are not perfect.  Because of our human fallibility, sometimes we cause and experience pain in relationships and sometimes that means they end.  It can be an incredibly painful part of our journey that leaves us scarred. 

     We do have one relationship that is indelible - our relationship with God.  Even if we choose to walk away from it, God is waiting patiently for our return - with open and loving arms.  It is astonishing how much love God has for us.  It is amazing how freely it is given.  It is staggering to believe that it is ours for eternity.   But, it is a true.  God's hands do have our names engraved on the palms - the scars of the cross.  God loves us so deeply, so profoundly, and so fully that Jesus, God incarnate, was willing to die for us.  This is a love that is so complete and so permanent that on it we can always depend.

Prayer:  Faithful, forever God, we give you thanks for the love you pour upon us.  We give you thanks for the forgiveness you offer when we don't acknowledge this love or doubt it.  Help us this day to embrace you love and grace so completely as to change our hearts to be willing to risk and share it with those who cross our path today.

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