Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Therefore, do and observe all things whatsoever they tell you,
but do not follow their example.
For they preach but they do not practice.
Matthew 23:3

     Think about someone who has had a great influence on your life.  What is it that you remember about them?  Is it the words they said, or the way they lived?  For most of us, we won't remember the details of what someone has said to us .  We will remember how they spoke to us, treated us, how we felt in their presence, and how they treated others.  We will remember if their words and actions where congruent.  

     Jesus is talking about the Pharisees in this passage.  The "teachers" of the way live as God wants us to live.  They have the rules memorized and share them - in an often judgemental, condemning way.  They put the burden of those rules on others and then find a loophole for themselves to avoid the same burden.  They claim the best seat at the table, demand to be called "Rabbi", and expect the respect of all of the community.  It's hypocricy at its finest.  And Jesus says loud and clear "Do not be like them for they preach but they do not practice."  Rather, Jesus would have us follow his ways, and the ways of those people who have chosen to live the way of the Gospel and been a great, positive influence on many.

     Truth is, we are all, at times, hypocritical.  It's hard to match our words and deeds, we are human after all - loved yet fallible.  But, the spiritual life is not about perfection, it's about progress.  It's about working with one another to have the words we speak, the words we believe, match our actions so that we may be witness to the presence of a loving, forgiving, transforming God in the world today.  It is about being a positive influence in people's lives rather that a negative influence. 

     Today let us work at discovering the areas in our lives which are incongruent our beliefs and seek to bring them into balance.  Let us remember that actions do indeed speak louder than words and follow the words of St. Francis Assisi "Preach the Gospel to the whole world and if necessary, use words." 

Prayer:  Gracious and loving God,  we give you thanks for the people in our lives who have influenced our lives and taught us to live well.  Help us to find a balance so that our word may indeed match our actions.

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