Monday, March19, 2012

After three days they found him in the temple,
sitting in the midst of the teachers,
listening to them and asking them questions,
and all who heard him were astounded
at his understanding and his answers.

Luke 2:46-47


     Can you imagine what was going through Mary and Joseph's minds when they finally found Jesus after searching for three days?  The relief must have been all encompassing, until the anger of him leaving came through.  Jesus was part of a human family, after all, so his leaving, even to go to temple, without telling his parents probably didn't go over very well.  Yet, he made the choice even knowing there would be consequences.  His passion and desire to learn and teach were too powerful. 

     Jesus grew up hearing the stories.  Most likely he knew of his mother's pregnancy, his father's  commitment to her, the visitations of angels.  And while he didn't know exactly what his future would hold, he knew God had a purpose for him.  That's why he sat in the temple and learned what he could learn.  He was developing his relationship with God and God's ways.  He was doing what he needed to to be prepared for his future and his ultimate death and resurrection - one step at a time.

     Thanks be to God, the salvation of the human race is not the destiny for any of us.  We have, however, been created with a purpose.  God does indeed have a purpose for each and every one of us - a way to live in this world that will bring healing, love, and transformation to a hurting world.  To discover this purpose, we too, need to develop our relationship with God.  We need to learn, listen, ask questions, and yes, sometimes break the "rules".  In communion with God, we will be guided in how to live, how to love, and how to be living examples of the kingdom of God in this world. 

     Today, let us spend time in communion with our Creator and seek to find the passion that God has put within us - the passion that will make us willing to risk , to learn new things, and to live in a new way.

Prayer:  Loving God, you have created each of us for a purpose.  You have created us to be your witness and voice in this world.  Help us to discover the passion that burns in our hearts and the way you want us to live, so that our lives may be examples of your love, grace, and abundance.

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